Professional Consulting Service

IT Consulting Services

We don't just offer advice; we deliver results. Our expert IT consultants work alongside you to implement solutions that improve efficiency, reduce costs, enhance security, and give you a competitive edge.

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IT Consulting Services

Digital Transformation Consulting

Digital Transformation Consulting

Partner with you to plan, prioritize, and execute digital transformation initiatives that dramatically improve your business results.

    Area of Expertise:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Create seamless online shopping, captivating digital interactions, and digitized in-store experiences.
  • Streamlined Supply Chain: Drive accuracy with demand forecasting, optimize procurement, and master multi-channel order management.
  • Elevated Customer Service: Deliver support across channels, enable remote solutions, and leverage the power of AI chatbots.
  • Industry 4.0 Excellence: Maximize production, implement predictive maintenance, and harness the insights from digital twins.
  • Healthcare Transformation: Offer telemedicine solutions, empower remote health monitoring, boost patient engagement, and streamline medical image analysis.
  • Modern Digital Workplace: Automate everyday tasks, enable effortless team collaboration, and provide seamless remote work and e-learning experiences.

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Cybersecurity Consultation

Cybersecurity Consultation

We assess your vulnerabilities, strengthen your defenses, and prepare you to respond effectively to cyber threats.

    Our Cybersecurity Focus:

  • Vulnerability Assessment: Uncover potential weaknesses in your systems and networks.
  • Penetration Testing: Simulate real-world attacks to reveal points of entry.
  • Cybersecurity Policy Development: Create robust policies to safeguard data and operations.
  • Security Awareness Training: Educate your team to be your first line of defense.
  • Incident Response Planning: Minimize downtime and damage with a proactive response plan.
  • Compliance Consulting: Ensure alignment with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, etc.

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IT Strategy Consulting

IT Strategy Consulting

We partner with you to design an IT strategy that fuels efficiency, innovation, and aligns seamlessly with your business objectives.

    Our IT Strategy Expertise:

  • Digital Transformation: Chart your digital roadmap for accelerated growth and innovation.
  • IT Roadmap: Build a crystal-clear IT roadmap to support your business goals.
  • IT Governance: Ensure IT investment alignment with a robust governance framework.
  • IT Risk Management: Protect your systems with proactive risk identification and mitigation.
  • IT Cost Optimization: Slash IT costs, unlocking resources for new initiatives.
  • IT Talent Management: Attract and nurture top IT talent to boost competitive advantage.

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Data Analytics Consulting

Data Analytics Consulting

We transform your data into actionable insights that fuel better decision-making, optimize operations, and boost your bottom line.

    Our Data Analytics Services:

  • Data Strategy: Develop a roadmap to align data collection and analysis with business goals.
  • Data Architecture & Warehousing: Build robust systems to store and manage your data effectively.
  • Data Cleaning & Transformation: Ensure data quality and prepare it for analysis.
  • Descriptive & Predictive Analytics: Uncover trends, patterns, and forecast future outcomes.
  • Data Visualization: Create compelling dashboards and reports for easy understanding.
  • Data-Driven Decision Support: Empower your team with insights for strategic choices.

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Cloud Service Consulting

Cloud Service Consulting

We guide your cloud journey, maximizing flexibility, scalability, and cost savings for your business.

    Our Cloud Consulting Expertise:

  • Cloud Strategy & Assessment: Design a tailored roadmap for cloud adoption.
  • Cloud Migration: Seamlessly move workloads for reduced overhead and increased agility.
  • Cloud Architecture Design: Build scalable & resilient cloud infrastructure.
  • Cloud Security: Protect sensitive data with robust cloud security measures.
  • Cloud Cost Optimization: Control costs and maximize cloud ROI.
  • Cloud Managed Services: Ongoing support for your cloud environment.

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IT Assessment Consulting

IT Assessment Consulting

We conduct a thorough analysis of your IT infrastructure, uncovering inefficiencies, vulnerabilities, and opportunities for improvement.

    Our IT Assessment Focus:

  • Network & Systems Assessment: Analyze performance, security, and capacity of your network and systems.
  • Technology Alignment: Ensure your IT supports your current and future business goals.
  • Risk Assessment: Identify and prioritize potential IT threats and vulnerabilities.
  • IT Budgeting & Planning: Optimize spending and create a roadmap for future investments.
  • Compliance Assessment: Evaluate adherence to industry regulations and standards.
  • Vendor Evaluation: Assist in selecting the best technology partners and solutions.

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Industry Expertise

Empowering Industry Leaders through Digital Transformation

Tanta Innovative partners with businesses across industries to fuel success through strategic IT consulting and innovative software solutions. Our expert team simplifies the complexities of the digital landscape, delivering results-driven solutions that propel your business forward.

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IT consulting

Tanta Innovative Journey

Tanta Innovative - maturity, passion, and a strong desire to innovate

Our Journey to IT Consulting

Tanta Innovative Limited began as a small repair company and shifted to IT services in 2016. We're dedicated to helping clients succeed.

Tanta Innovative - maturity, passion, and a strong desire to innovate

Why Choose Us for IT Consulting

Tanta Innovative Limited delivers innovative IT solutions that help businesses grow. Our team is committed to providing personalized service and excellent results

Tanta Innovative - maturity, passion, and a strong desire to innovate

Our IT Experts

Our team of IT experts has decades of experience across various industries. We're passionate about helping clients grow and achieve their goals

What Our Clients Say

We have been providing bespoke and platform-based solutions to large, mid-size, and small businesses in Healthcare, Banking, Retail, Telecom, and other industries for over 15 years.

  • Before Tanta Innovative, our company lacked a true online presence. This severely limited our reach and our ability to showcase our extensive product catalog. Tanta Innovative transformed our business with a custom e-commerce website that's specifically designed for the scientific and educational sectors.
    Dioka UwaijeManaging Director
  • As Sales Director of Finlab Nigeria, I've seen firsthand the transformative impact our new e-commerce platform has had on our business. Tanta Innovative truly understood the unique complexities of selling scientific equipment online.
    Oyedeji KabiruDirector Sales and Marketing
  • Tanta Innovative has transformed the way we do business. Our customers love the AR feature and our team can now manage everything from one central place. Sales are up and we have more time to focus on creating beautiful designs for our clients.
    Precious EbhonayeChief Executive Officer

Business Areas We Transform

Transforming your Business Processes for the Digital Age

Tanta Innovative is a leading provider of IT consulting and software development services that has helped businesses across multiple industries succeed. Our team of experienced IT professionals is well-equipped to help clients navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, develop innovative solutions, and stay ahead of the competition.



Our ERP consulting service helps businesses improve efficiency and streamline operations. We work with you to implement customized solutions that meet your specific needs and goals.



Our social chain management consulting service can help your business effectively manage your social media presence. From social media strategy to content creation, we can help you connect with your audience and drive engagement.



Our financial management consulting service helps businesses make informed financial decisions and optimize their financial performance. We can assist with everything from financial planning and analysis to budgeting and forecasting.



Our operations management consulting service helps businesses improve productivity, reduce costs, and streamline processes. We work with you to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions that drive results.



Our asset management consulting service helps businesses manage their assets, reduce downtime, and extend asset life. From maintenance planning to equipment replacement, we can help you optimize your asset management strategy.

Technology and Tools

Our Capabilities and Technological Expertise










Consulting Techniques

We Rely on Trusted Consulting Techniques and Best Practices

Strategic Assessment & Planning

  • ROI Analysis
  • Business Model Design
  • Organizational Assessment
  • Market & Competitor Analysis

Customer Requirement Gathering

  • Journey Mapping & Experience Design
  • User Persona Creation
  • In-Depth Needs Analysis
  • Surveys & Interviews
  • Data-Driven Satisfaction Insights

Problem Solving & Goal Setting

  • Precision Problem Definition
  • Measurable Goal Setting
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Strategic Breakdown & Prioritization
  • ishikawa Diagrams & 5 Whys Analysis

Process Optimization & Efficiency

  • Process Mapping & Analysis
  • Workflow Redesign
  • Bottleneck Identification & Removal
  • Automation & Streamlining

Project Initiation & Management

  • Project Charter Creation
  • Stakeholder Identification & Management
  • Risk Identification & Mitigation
  • Project Scheduling & Resource Allocation

Technology Evaluation & Selection

  • Technology Stack Evaluation
  • Vendor Selection & Management
  • Proof of Concept Development
  • Technology Roadmap Creation