AI & ML Services

Artificial Intelligence Services

We provide all-encompassing assistance across AI solution design, planning, development, and evolution to bring businesses to the new heights with the help of the cutting-edge AI technology.

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Trusted Partner

Why Tanta is the Best AI Development Company

  • Over a decade of experience in the information technology market, serving healthcare organizations.

  • A trusted IT for manufacturing firm with a strong track record of 13 years in the industry.

  • Proven expertise in streamlining IT processes and resolving issues promptly for manufacturing organizations.

  • Embracing the latest technologies to drive innovation and enhance patient care in the healthcare industry.

  • Tailored IT solutions designed specifically for the manufacturing industry, addressing its unique needs and requirements.

  • Committed to safeguarding the IT infrastructure of manufacturing providers and supporting their continuous evolution.

  • Dedicated team of experts with extensive knowledge and experience in manufacturing IT services.

Partnering with Tanta

Your benefits from partnering with Tanta

1.5–2x faster

AI development due to high productivity, mature Agile and DevOps culture, and outstanding tech skills of our IT talents.

20–50% reduction

in AI project costs due to Tanta Innovative’s expert advice on project cost optimization and pragmatic approach to tech stack selection.

AI Consulting Services

End-to-End AI Consulting Services by Tanta

The scope of Tanta’s AI consulting services varies depending on our customers’ business needs, maturity of the data management practices, and the current AI environment. Our AI services may include:


Business analysis

  • Definition and analysis of business needs to be pursued with an AI solution.
  • Analysis of the existing AI environment (if any), data management practices established within the company, the currently used technologies and tools.

AI solution conceptualization and development project planning

  • Designing the architecture and feature set of the AI solution and creating the optimal tech stack for AI implementation.
  • AI project planning: deliverables and KPIs, cost and timeline estimates, a risk management strategy, etc.
  • AI solution PoC delivery (optional).

Data preparation management

  • Exploratory analysis of the existing data sources (data type, volume, etc.).
  • Data gathering and cleansing (standardizing, replacing missing and deviating variables, anonymizing sensitive data) for ML model training.

AI solution development (ML modeling)

  • ML model refinement, testing and evaluation.
  • Fine-tuning the parameters of ML models until the generated results are acceptable.
  • Deploying the ML models.

ML output integration

  • Development of application modules that use ML output.
  • AI solution integration with the modules to feed the ML models and use ML output.

AI solution quality assurance

  • End-to-end AI system testing.
  • Evaluating the quality of AI solution output according to pre-defined KPIs.

User training

  • AI solution user training in the preferred format.
  • Designing user guides and manuals and sharing them with the company's in-house IT team.

AI solution support and optimization

  • Continuous AI solution monitoring and optimization.
  • Adding new data sources to feed the AI solution for greater accuracy and insight.
  • Building new ML models to meet the newly arisen business needs.

AI Solutions

AI Solutions Tanta Builds

Demand forecasting and inventory optimization

Demand forecasting and inventory optimization

  • Calculating the risks of out-of-stock and overstock.
  • Predicting future inventory needs to ensure optimal stock levels.
  • Using historical data and machine learning algorithms for accurate forecasting.
Predictive and prescriptive maintenance

Predictive and prescriptive maintenance

  • Flagging anomalous behavior of machinery and equipment.
  • Predicting equipment failures before they happen.
  • Providing recommendations for maintenance to prevent downtime.
Customer service

Customer service

  • Virtual customer agents.
  • Providing 24/7 customer support using AI-powered chatbots.
  • Improving customer satisfaction and reducing response times.
Financial risk assessment

Financial risk assessment

  • Calculating and monitoring financial risks based on the analysis of customer risks, operational risks, geopolitical risks, etc.
  • Using AI to predict potential financial issues and take preventive actions.
  • Providing insights to improve financial decision-making.
Personalization engines

Personalization engines

  • Customer segmentation.
  • Providing personalized recommendations based on customer behavior and preferences.
  • Enhancing customer experience by offering tailored solutions.
IoT applications

IoT applications

  • Internet of Medical Things.
  • Connecting and managing medical devices using IoT technology.
  • Improving patient care through real-time monitoring and data analysis.
Speech recognition

Speech recognition

  • Voice-controlled navigation and search systems in vehicles.
  • Enabling hands-free operation and improving driver safety.
  • Using advanced speech recognition algorithms for accurate voice commands.
Computer vision

Computer vision

  • Face and emotion recognition.
  • Analyzing images and videos to detect and recognize objects.
  • Using AI to improve security and provide insights from visual data.
Fraud detection

Fraud detection

  • Detecting fraudulent activities in financial transactions.
  • Using machine learning algorithms to identify patterns of fraud.
  • Providing real-time alerts to prevent financial losses.
Natural language processing

Natural language processing

  • Understanding and processing human language.
  • Using AI to analyze text data and provide insights.
  • Improving communication and data analysis through advanced NLP techniques.

AI Consulting

Tanta’s Approach to AI Consulting

Data protection

Data protection

  • When building AI-powered solutions, we apply the three-pillar approach to effective data security management:
  • Transparency – personal data collection and processing are only performed with users’ consent.
  • Strong security – to create a protected environment for data processing and storage, Tanta Innovative incorporates security practices into the development processes (DevSecOps).
  • Compliance – delivered AI-powered solutions are fully compliant with industry and legal requirements (HIPAA, GLBA, GDPR, etc.).
Data quality

Data quality

  • To enable high data quality, we engage certified data engineers and data scientists who employ a wide set of tools to automate data validation, cleansing, deduplication processes.
Guaranteed value of the AI solution

Guaranteed value of the AI solution

  • To ensure the viability of your future AI solution, the speed and quality of the AI-enabled insights, we:
  • Start an AI project with a proof of concept to display how the solution will work, estimate its potential value, voice concerns, etc.
  • Balance the system’s transparency with the accuracy of the output by using a combination of white box AI models that have understandable relationships between variables and output predictions and black box AI models based on deep learning algorithms that are not explainable by themselves.
  • Check the quality and viability of the developed solution against the agreed quality KPIs.

AI Services

Choose Your AI Service Option

AI consulting

AI consulting

We introduce a custom AI launch strategy, a clear concept of your AI solution, and an optimal tech stack for AI implementation. You also receive a detailed project plan with cost and time estimates and get expert advice on AI security and compliance.

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AI implementation

AI implementation

We develop your AI solution end to end, from design to data preparation to AI model training and tuning to QA. We also integrate the AI software into your existing IT system and can provide after-launch support. You promptly get top-quality AI solution tailored to your business needs.

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AI evolution

AI evolution

We revamp the architecture, code, and tech stack of your existing AI solution and upgrade the software with new capabilities. You get a modern AI solution that can be flexibly scaled to support sustainable business growth quickly and with minimal investments.

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