Development, Modernization, Integration

Application Services

We provide a full range of application services to help you build, modernize, and integrate your business applications. Our team of experienced developers will help you create custom software solutions that are tailored to your business needs.

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Application Services

Our Concept of Application Services

Our application services can help you to modernize your applications and optimize your business processes. We can help you to build, manage and run your applications in the cloud. Our services include application development, application modernization, application management, and application migration

Embracing Cutting-Edge and Reliable Technologies

We're passionate about incorporating the latest in technology, including IoT, big data, machine learning, AI, image analysis, AR, and DevOps/Continuous Delivery (CD). At the same time, we value and continue to use time-tested technologies that have proven their worth.

Mastering Complex IT Ecosystems

With 33 years of experience, we've mastered the art of navigating complex IT landscapes that have been evolving for decades. Our journey through numerous projects has equipped us with unique insights and strategies for managing systems of diverse nature and architectural designs.

Adaptable Collaboration Models

Our approach to collaboration is highly adaptable. We welcome partnerships with third-party vendors to collectively provide maximum value to our clients. We're nimble in adjusting our scope of responsibilities and timelines to align with our clients' evolving needs and priorities.

Prioritizing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

When delivering and managing solutions, our focus is on optimizing the total cost of ownership. We meticulously analyze operational, maintenance, and additional costs throughout the solution's lifecycle to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Upholding Excellence Through Certified Processes

Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated through our disciplined, reliable processes. We are proud to hold certifications in ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 27001 for information security management, ISO 13485 for quality management in medical devices, including Software as a Medical Device, among others, ensuring that we meet and exceed the highest standards in our operations.

Application Services

Application Services We Offer

Tanta Innovative offers a wide range of application services to help you to modernize your applications and optimize your business processes. We can help you to build, manage and run your applications in the cloud. Our services include application development, application modernization, application management, and application migration

Application Development

Custom Application Development Services

Build scalable, secure, and reliable applications with our development expertise. We specialize in cloud applications, IoT integrations, and solutions powered by AI and machine learning.

Application Development

Embracing Cutting-Edge and Reliable Technologies

We're passionate about incorporating the latest in technology, including IoT, big data, machine learning, AI, image analysis, AR, and DevOps/Continuous Delivery (CD). At the same time, we value and continue to use time-tested technologies that have proven their worth.

Application Development

Ensuring Stability and Easy Maintenance

Our approach involves writing clean, loosely-coupled code that facilitates easy testing, maintenance, and updates, ensuring the application's stability and straightforward support.

Application Development

Maintaining High Standards for Quality and Timeliness

Our proprietary Quality Management System goes beyond our ISO 9001 certification, streamlining our development processes to deliver reliable solutions within set deadlines.

Application Development

Streamlining Agile Feature Delivery

We adopt DevOps, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Integration practices, along with automated testing and deployment, to ensure agile, frequent updates without system downtime or significant code errors.

Application Management Services

We're here to oversee the management of your applications, aiming to boost your business flexibility while reducing IT expenses. By adopting the latest in process management techniques, our team is committed to upkeeping and supervising your application servers and databases. We focus on ensuring peak performance, durability, and stability, all while aligning with your evolving business requirements.

Our suite of application management services is comprehensive and includes, but isn't limited to:

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Remote Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Our team is on the lookout round-the-clock, remotely monitoring your critical applications. We're quick to spot issues, delve into their causes, and offer actionable insights for improvements. Expect us to keep tabs on application performance, ensure transactional integrity, monitor data consistency, and be on the lookout for any server hiccups or message queue overflows.

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Dedicated Application Support

We&'re your go-to for a broad range of application-related concerns and incidents. Whether it's tweaking minor details, managing significant application updates, or guiding you through optimization strategies to meet new challenges, we've got you covered.

24/7 Help Desk Support

24/7 Help Desk Support

Our help desk is your application users first point of contact, available 24/7. Whether they reach out via email, phone, chat, or a ticketing system, our team is ready to:

Assess issues and resolve straightforward cases on the spot (L1 support) or bump complex issues up to our technical gurus (L2/L3 support).

Collect feedback to continuously improve application development.

Offer insights on application functionalities and usage tips.

Offer insights on application functionalities and usage tips.

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Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipeline Design and Implementation

We craft and set in motion a CD pipeline that bridges the gap between development, testing, and deployment, automating the processes to enhance efficiency. This setup empowers you to embrace the full spectrum of DevOps/CD benefits, allowing for the swift and seamless rollout of new application features.

Application Modernization Services

Our expertise lies in rejuvenating legacy applications, enhancing their performance, and seamlessly integrating them into contemporary IT frameworks. Our approach to application modernization is designed to align closely with your enterprise's evolving needs.

Modernization Strategies We Offer:


This involves transferring an application as-is from on-premises or an outdated cloud setup to a modern cloud environment, without significant changes to its code. This strategy is aimed at quick migration with minimal disruption.


Here, we migrate either parts or the whole application to the cloud, making minor optimizations to tap into cloud-specific features like automatic scaling and enhanced resilience.


This strategy involves modifying the application’s architecture to boost scalability, flexibility, and compatibility with modern integration frameworks. It also aims at easing maintenance and facilitating smoother updates and testing processes.


We focus on redesigning specific components of an application, enhancing performance, functionality, and incorporating new features into the existing framework.


Our team undertakes the task of rewriting legacy applications developed in older programming languages like PowerBuilder, Delphi, VB, C++, or outdated versions of Java, .NET, PHP, and Python, using contemporary technologies and tools for a modern touch.

Ensuring a Smooth Modernization Process:

To guarantee that the modernization process is both efficient and advantageous, we:

Engage in thorough discussions with the client (including the IT department and other relevant personnel) and any third-party vendors to gather detailed insights on the application targeted for modernization.

Carefully extract and refine business requirements from the existing software applications to ensure that the modernization aligns with current and future business objectives.

Conduct an in-depth analysis of the existing infrastructure, pinpointing all code dependencies and how different components interact, to ensure a seamless transition and integration into the new environment.

Our goal is to ensure that your legacy applications don't just survive but thrive in the modern digital landscape, contributing to your organization's growth and efficiency.

Application Integration Services

Our aim is to evolve disparate applications within your IT ecosystem into a unified, efficiently operating system, enhancing overall productivity and user experience.

Strategies for Effective Integration:

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Integration Pattern Selection:

We leverage our extensive experience with systems of varied complexity and technology frameworks to identify the most suitable integration pattern for your business’s current requirements and future vision. Our expertise spans across multiple integration methodologies – including point-to-point, service-oriented architecture (SOA), enterprise service bus (ESB), and shared database models (in specific scenarios) – enabling us to devise a tailored integration strategy that maximizes benefits for your organization.

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Focused Integration Risk Management

Recognizing and mitigating specific integration risks is crucial. We ensure the integrated system maintains optimal response times, adheres to stringent security standards, and guarantees high data quality.

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Comprehensive Integration Process

Our approach encompasses the entire integration journey. We start by crafting a robust integration architecture, followed by implementing the solution, updating legacy applications for seamless operation within the new setup, and conducting thorough testing at both the system and component levels. Additionally, we provide ongoing integration support and maintenance services to ensure lasting success.

Application Security Services

Our team of security specialists is dedicated to fortifying applications against the myriad of security threats prevalent in today's digital landscape. As an ISO 27001-certified provider, we rigorously follow established security protocols and assist your enterprise in maintaining compliance with stringent security standards relevant to your industry, such as HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and others.

Our Security Services Include:

Security Planning and Design

We guide you in developing comprehensive security requirements and advise on robust application design patterns capable of mitigating potential security risks.

Continuous Security Monitoring

To ensure your applications remain safeguarded against emerging cyber threats, we implement ongoing security monitoring. This proactive approach enables the early detection of security needs, ensuring your applications are always ahead of potential vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Assessment

Through meticulous security assessments, including both white box (with a thorough code audit) and black box testing (without access to the application code), we identify any security weaknesses. Following our investigations, we provide a detailed report along with strategic recommendations for addressing these vulnerabilities to enhance your application's security posture.

Application Testing Services

Beyond security, we offer exhaustive manual and automated testing across all phases of the application lifecycle—from implementation and deployment to support and evolution. This ensures early identification of risks and confirms that your enterprise solutions function correctly and meet stringent quality standards.

Testing Services Encompass:

Functional Testing

Our team ensures that your applications meet all functional requirements and specifications. We perform thorough testing to ensure that your applications are reliable and secure.

Performance Testing

We conduct performance testing to ensure that your applications are reliable and perform well under load. Our team will help you to identify and address any performance issues before they become a problem.

Security Testing

Our team will help you to identify and address any security issues in your applications. We conduct thorough security testing to ensure that your applications are secure and reliable.

Usability Testing

We conduct usability testing to ensure that your applications are easy to use and understand. Our team will help you to identify and address any usability issues in your applications.

Integration Testing

We conduct integration testing to ensure that your applications work well with other applications. Our team will help you to identify and address any integration issues in your applications.

Compatibility Testing

We conduct compatibility testing to ensure that your applications work well with other applications. Our team will help you to identify and address any compactibility issues in your applications.