How-To Guides & Tutorials

Announcing the Ultimate Linux Production Server Hardening Guide


Mon Apr 01 2024

Our digital world today highly depends on server security. That's why we at Tanta Innovative are thrilled to announce our latest open-source contribution: Our Complete Guide to Linux Hardening is a hands-on, practical tool for securing Linux servers in the real world.

Why Linux Hardening?

Linux servers are the very basis of the modern IT infrastructure. They work with highly critical data and services, which makes them the first targets of attacks. Harden your servers, it should not be merely a recommendation but rather a necessity.

What's in the Guide?

Our Linux Hardening Guide is a consolidation of aforementioned best practices, industry standards, and years of expertise.It covers:

  • Foundational security steps and configurations
  • Advanced server hardening techniques
  • Security monitoring and logging fundamentals
  • Network security deep dives
  • Implementing application hardening for web servers, databases, and containers.
  • Sturdy backup and disaster recovery plans
  • Compliance with security frameworks
  • Tools to automate the hardening process will be used.

Who Can Benefit?

No matter whether you're a system admin, a DevOps engineer, a security expert, or a Linux fan, this guide has been designed with you in mind. It is built to be relevant for both beginners and veterans alike

Open-Source and Collaborative

We promote free sharing of ideas by embracing the spirit of open-source. Share your insight, fork the project, submit a pull request, and together we can make the 'server ' more secure for everyone.

Get Involved

Dive into our guide on GitHub:

Contribute to the body of knowledge and follow the project as it gets bigger.

See the guide, lock your servers and inform others! The more resilient our society is, the higher our security.

We're excited to see how the Linux Hardening Guide will evolve with the community's input. Follow us on Twitter @tantainnovative and Linkedin tantainnovative for updates, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or feedback.